
It has been (and still is) a cold winter…

So far this winter it has been very cold in Oslo. We have had temperatures down to -20 C.

That’s cold and reason to have mittens, scarfs and woolly hats nearby.

I don`t like woolly hats. They are itchy, very close to my skin what makes them even more itchy and they mess up your hair

So I found this pattern for a hoody and tell me, how nice is this! It even has a collar what practically means you don’t need a scarf ( although I think a scarf is nice to have). You can easily take it off by pushing it backwards. There is more than enough space to not make it itchy and it keeps you nice and warm. It’s knitted with Alpaca Bris by Vinking Garn. This yarn is a mixture of 60% baby alpaca, 11% merino wool and 29% nylon.

It feels real fluffy and might just become my favourite not only for this winter but also for those to come.


My hoody. Fluffy, warm and has a nice fit.


When it’s getting too warm you easily can push it backwards.


Alpaca Bris by Viking Garn.

Thank you again for your visit. Hope I inspired you a tiny little bit.
